
Due to our rapidly aging population in Colorado, Harley’s Hope will be focusing exclusively on older Colorado pet parents, 50 and over, effective March 31, 2025.

We Believe

Their love is unconditional

Pets are family, too! Can you imagine having to give up a sibling or parent because they needed care that you couldn’t afford? Well, that happens every day with pets and their people – people who are retired, have lost their jobs, are facing life’s challenges – and just need a little help to protect the special bond they share with their pet.  Harley’s Hope is here to assist during those difficult times. We do this because at Harley’s Hope, we believe their love is unconditional.

Have You Ensured Your Pet's Future?
Click the picture to learn about Pet Trusts.

Our Services

Keeping pets & people together

We at Harley’s Hope offer a variety of services designed to help keep pets in their existing homes.  Our core services are financial assistance with major veterinary care, and additional help for seniors and their companions.

*Unfortunately we can’t pay pre-existing vet bills or expenses.
You can find resources for other types of assistance here.

Everyone needs a little help sometimes

If you have a pet in your life, you may find yourself in need of help at some point.  Safety net agencies, like Harley’s Hope, exist specifically to provide that support.  We do not do pet adoptions, we are not an animal rescue or shelter – we provide programs to keep your pet in their home.  Why is this important?  Besides preserving that amazing human-animal bond, too many animals continue to lose their homes every year, roughly 1 million alone due to their persons’ financial challenges.  Rather than see these pets become homeless and add to the millions of pets entering the shelter system each year, we choose instead to focus on preserving existing relationships.

Featured Stories

Happy pets make happy people


Temporary Boarding

Skittle needed somewhere to stay while owner was hospitalized.

Medical Assistance

Battling heartworms.

Medical Assistance

Another heartworm case.

The stories vary, but the smiles are all the same. When we’re able to keep people with their pets, they both thrive.

Medical Assistance

Tumors on the mouth conquered.


Medical Assistance

Walking again.

Medical Assistance

Emergency surgery saves a life.

The effectiveness of our work can be seen in more detail on the “Who we’ve helped” section of the About Us page.

Keep Pets & People Together

Get help. Give help.

Emergency surgery saves a pig’s life.

Pets are family, too! Can you imagine having to give up a sibling or parent because they needed care that you couldn’t afford? Well, that happens every day with pets and their people – people who are retired, have lost their jobs, are facing life’s challenges – and just need a little help to protect the special bond they share with their pet.  Harley’s Hope is here to assist during those difficult times. We do this because at Harley’s Hope, we believe their love is unconditional.

Pets are family, too! Can you imagine having to give up a sibling or parent because they needed care that you couldn’t afford? Well, that happens every day with pets and their people – people who are retired, have lost their jobs, are facing life’s challenges – and just need a little help to protect the special bond they share with their pet.  Harley’s Hope is here to assist during those difficult times. We do this because at Harley’s Hope, we believe their love is unconditional.